Dear John,
The last several months have proven we can’t take the world we live in for granted.
The evidence keeps mounting that the environment we care about, the communities we live in, and the democracy we depend on requires our vigilance and for us to be proactive.
To meet this moment – and to figure out the way forward to a better world for all the residents of Wisconsin – we are preparing for the next legislative session with a focus on deeper structural change to protect our drinking water, combat climate change, and ensure our democracy is open to everyone.
First, we need to hear from you.
What would success look like for Wisconsin if we stopped the sources of pollution contaminating our water? Who needs to be at the table to make an equitable transition to a carbon-free economy? What does it mean when we say every adult in Wisconsin must be able to safely exercise their right to vote?
I hope you'll be able to join us. Your voice is powerful. It's meaningful. We will need everyone’s commitment to making progress on our priority issues and values. Most of all, we need your guidance on how to make that happen in your community and across the state.
In order to protect your health, we will be holding our listening sessions virtually this year. You can RSVP for the meetings below. If you are unable to attend the time for your region, feel free to sign up for one of the others. We will send you a link for the meeting once you register.
Southern Wisconsin
Wednesday, July 22, 6 to 7 p.m.
RSVP here
Northern Wisconsin
Monday, July 27, 6 to 7 p.m.
RSVP here
Northeastern Wisconsin
Wednesday, July 29, 6 to 7 p.m.
RSVP here
Southeastern Wisconsin
Monday, Aug. 3, 6 to 7 p.m.
RSVP now
Western Wisconsin
Thursday, Aug. 6, 6 to 7 p.m.
RSVP now
I'm really looking forward to connecting with you. We have already done so much together in 2020, and we have so much more to do!
Thank you for being a conservation voter,

Jennifer Giegerich
Government Affairs Director
Wisconsin Conservation Voters