
By now, you know what's happening here in Portland. Federal agents are targeting Oregonians taking a stand against police brutality and racism. They are engaging in disproportionate escalation and unlawful actions.
We will not be scared or silenced. These dangerous and intimidating tactics strengthen Oregonians' resolve to stand up for justice and change.
But this isn't just about Portland. Your city could be next. President Trump is already deploying federal agents to other cities around the U.S. without the request or approval of state or local officials. 
We need Congressional action to rein in this authoritarian overreach by the federal government. 
Congress must prohibit these police state tactics. We all must speak out. Sign my petition and tell Trump: authoritarian rule has no place in the United States.

Tell Trump: Authoritarianism has no place in America. Sign the Petition.

Thank you for standing with us,


Sign the Petition