The Weekly Feminist News Digest is a service of the Feminist Majority Foundation, providing the most important feminist news of the week. It is made possible through the support of individuals like you. Your contribution is vital to the continued success of our empowering work. Donate Today

Dear John,

This week mothers in Portland, Oregon formed a barrier, called the "Wall of Moms", between Black Lives Matter protestors and federal agents sent by the Trump administration who later tear gassed the peaceful protestors. Trump has threatened to send federal law enforcement agents to Chicago and other major cities to terrorize and detain protestors as they continue to demand justice for Black lives.

An "anti-feminist" lawyer with ties to the "men's rights" movement has been named as the prime suspect in the death of Judge Esther Salas' son. Planned Parenthood of Greater New York has announced they will remove founder Magaret Sanger's name from their Manhattan health clinic due to her support of the eugenics movement in the early part of the 20th century.

Democratic women took to the House floor yesterday to denounce a hostile culture of misogyny on the Hill and nationwide after a Republican lawmaker hurled a vulgar and sexist insult at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the steps of the U.S. Capitol.

Also this week, a Michigan judge declined to release a Black teenage girl who was sent to a juvenile detention center after failing to complete her online coursework during the pandemic, a case which has come under scrutiny after accusations of racially motivated retaliation.

These stories are are linked below, and other important feminist news of the week can be found here


Wall of Moms Tear Gassed by Federal Agents in Portland, Oregon

Dozens of mothers linked arms in Portland, Oregon on Sunday in order to create a “Wall of Moms” around Black Lives Matter protesters, about 400 people, who have been under attack from federal law enforcement for weeks. 


Trump Threatens to Send Federal Agents to “Quell” Protests in More Cities

President Donald Trump announced plans to deploy federal law enforcement to Chicago and threatened to send troops to several other major cities run by “liberal Democrats” on Monday.


“Anti-Feminist” Lawyer Allegedly Shoots Female Judge’s Family, Killing Her Son

Roy Den Hollander, a lawyer from George Washington University Law School, who described himself as an “anti-feminist” and someone who defends “men’s rights”, shot himself and is the primary suspect in the shooting of U.S. District Judge Esther Salas’ husband and son. 


Planned Parenthood To Remove Margaret Sanger’s Name from Manhattan Health Center

Planned Parenthood of Greater New York (PPGNY) announced yesterday that it plans to remove Margaret Sanger’s name from the Manhattan Health Center as a “public commitment to reckon with its founder’s harmful connections to the eugenics movement.”


Democratic Women Take to the House Floor to Address a Culture of Hostile Sexism

After Representative Ted Yoho (R-FL) failed to apologize for a vulgar verbal attack on Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) earlier this week, claiming that he “cannot apologize for his passion,” Ocasio-Cortez and her female Democratic colleagues addressed the incident on Thursday. 


Michigan Judge Declines to Release Black Girl Detained for Skipping Online Class

A Michigan judge declined on Monday to release a Black teenage girl from juvenile detention for failing to complete her schoolwork after classes transitioned online because of the pandemic.


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