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Dear NCRC members and allies,

Opportunity Zones (OZ) were created in 2017 and have raised more questions than answers at this point. How can communities leverage them? How are they actually being used currently and what impact are they having on low-income communities? What is their relationship with gentrification? 

This Just Economy Session will dive into these questions, drawing on Urban Institute’s recent report, “An Early Assessment of Opportunity Zones for Equitable Development Projects,” NCRC’s “Gentrification and Disinvestment 2020” report and Enterprise Community Investment’s extensive experience with the practical application of OZ funds.

Register now and join us on Tuesday, July 28, at 1 pm ET.
Register Now


  • Jason Richardson, Director of Research & Evaluation, NCRC


  • Lori Chatman, SVP Enterprise Community Investment, Inc.; President, Enterprise Community Loan Fund, Inc.
  • Dr. Bruce Mitchell, Senior Research Analyst, NCRC
  • Dr. Brett Theodos, Senior Fellow, Urban Institute

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