Biggs for

The Democrats and the mainstream media are running a multimillion-dollar coordinated COVID hysteria campaign, designed to terrify our residents and drive up support for unprecedented Government control.

Across the Country they're forcing states back into lockdown, destroying their economies, undermining President Trump, and expanding the reach of Government into people's lives. Their next target is Arizona!

We need every grassroots Conservative to step up right now, to help us push back against the Left's unprecedented propaganda campaign.

If we allow their lies to go unchecked, pro-Liberty Conservatives like me could be forced out of Congress. Don't let that happen - chip in $10, $25, $50 or more right away to put an end to the Left's politically motivated hysteria campaign.

Along with President Trump, I'm working every day to make sure the residents of Arizona have the facts to make sure they make smart and informed decisions without resorting to fear tactics.

But if we can't keep up with the millions being poured into the Dems' propaganda machine, our message will be drowned out. WE CAN'T WAIT TO ACT, every day we hesitate is another day the Democrats' lies become more entrenched.

Help me spread the facts and stop the Democrats from destroying our country with insane lockdowns and anti-science hysteria by DONATING NOW.

Thank you,

Andy Biggs
Member of Congress

Paid for by Biggs for Congress

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