I don’t have to tell you how important the upcoming election is, Friend..
Over the past four years, we have seen an unprecedented U.S. attack on family planning programs and reproductive freedom around the world, on programs to address climate change, and indeed, on the very notions of science and evidence themselves.
Starting on his very first business day in the White House, Donald Trump began undermining access to family planning worldwide by imposing and expanding the Global Gag Rule. Next, he eliminated all assistance to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and shifted domestic family planning funds from health care providers offering real care to organizations opposed to providing contraceptives. His lackeys—the current Senate majority—have helped him every step of the way.
On November 3rd, we can flip the switch on these disastrous policies. But in order to that, we need to flip the Senate.
This weekend, Population Connection Action Fund members and activists are joining together to call voters in key states to help #FlipTheSenate—making sure voters know what’s at stake this November.
There’s a lot riding on this election—we need everyone to help us get out the vote for pro-family planning champions. I hope you’ll sign up today to call prospective voters this weekend.
Together, with enough people power, I know we can get this done.
In solidarity,

Rebecca Harrington
Senior Director of Advocacy and Outreach