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Animal Legal Defense Fund
Law Student Newsletter
Law Student Newsletter

Dear Law Students,

Call for Papers for Student Webinar Series

The Animal Law Academy is excited to announce a Call for Papers for a new webinar series celebrating law student scholarship. Students whose papers are selected will receive one-on-one prep and practice time with Animal Legal Defense Fund staff members before presenting their papers in a 30-minute webinar format. Applications are due July 31st.

Graphic promoting the Law Student Paper Series with a photo of a wild elephant. Text says, "Apply to present your work via webinar! Open to law students only. Application due July 31, 2020."]

Respect for Fish Day

Submit a letter to the editor or op-ed for Respect for Fish Day on August 1st! Respect for Fish Day is an annual event to raise awareness about the plight of fish. Trillions of fish are abused and killed every year in the food industry, for sport, in the pet trade, and in laboratories. Although scientific evidence has demonstrated that fish are capable of feeling pain, fish are seldom covered by animal protection legislation. Respect for Fish Day hopes to change this by showing the general public and lawmakers that fish are deserving of the same compassion and protection granted to any other animal. In your letter or op-ed, local issues are a good hook to generate discussion around the broader message that fish are sentient and deserving of protection. Check out sample letters here. For questions, please contact Shimon at [email protected].

A graphic promoting Respect for Fish Day with a photo of a school of white, yellow, and black striped fishes underwater. Below them it says in orange text, "Fish deserve legal protection."

Animal Law Conference and Student Convention

The Animal Law Conference and Student Convention are going virtual! Registration for the Animal Law Conference will open in early August and registration for the virtual Student Convention will open on August 14th.

Graphic promoting the Student Convention with a photo of a person sitting in front of a computer with a small white dog on their lap, the Animal Law Conference logo, and this text, "Going virtual! More information coming soon."

Officer Update

If your chapter has elected its board for next school year, please submit your update so we can get in touch with the new board and let them know about our resources and opportunities for chapters.

On the left, there is a photo of a yellow lab greeting two brown donkeys with a fence in between them. To the right, white text on orange and green backgrounds says, "Stay in touch! Submit your chapter's officer update," with the Animal Legal Defense Fund logo below it.

Upcoming Webinars

COVID-19: Rethinking our Relationship with Animals on July 29th

How to Advocate for Animals With or Without a Law Degree: Animals in Criminal Law on August 6th

For the animals,

Kelly Levenda, J.D.
Student Programs Attorney

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© 2018 Animal Legal Defense Fund
525 East Cotati Avenue, Cotati, CA 94931  | (707) 795-2533