
There's a reason jobs and the economy consistently top the list of Americans' priorities. Our nation is built upon hard work and free enterprise. For those of us with able minds and bodies, holding down a job and providing for our families are integral to our identities. 

But while states across the country, including Missouri and Arkansas, have recognized that $7.25 an hour is too low to provide a decent living for anyone, Louisiana's minimum wage hasn't budged. 

It's time for us to change that, which is why I'm proposing an increase to our minimum wage. If you agree that it's time for Louisiana to increase its minimum wage, will you let me know right now? I'm hoping to get 800 additional responses by midnight:

Do you support raising the minimum wage in Louisiana? 

Thank you for your response. It's folks like you – folks willing to stand up for their fellow citizens – who inspire me every day. 

Governor John Bel Edwards