Inside this issue• CA Bishops Call for Safe but Rapid Re-opening of Schools• Urge Senators to Protect the Poor in Stimulus Bill• Bishops Statement Celebrates Schools as Resource, Ministry  CA Bishops
 Inside this issue

  CA Bishops Call for Safe but Rapid Re-opening of Schools  

The California Conference of Catholic Bishops are calling for the safe and quick re-opening of schools following Governor Gavin Newsom's order that all schools in counties on the COVID-19 watchlist begin the year using the distance learning model.  Many Catholic schools have been preparing safe re-opening plans since March:
"We understand that the threat of the coronavirus is real and ongoing in our state. And we understand the legitimate concerns that teachers, parents, and elected officials have about the safety of returning to the classrooms this fall. At the same time, we are deeply concerned about the broader health and development issues for our children if the state presumes to rely only on distance learning until a vaccine is developed," wrote the bishops in the released statement.
"In-person learning, especially at the lower grades, provides emotional and social skills and supports that are crucial to early childhood development and the overall wellbeing of children which simply cannot be replaced," the Bishops said.
Read the entire statement


  Urge Senators to Protect the Poor in Stimulus Bill  

U.S. Senators are negotiating a second COVID-19 economic stimulus package, and it is vital that this bill includes relief for the most vulnerable.
Families and individuals are facing immediate hardships: rent is due, food prices are rising, layoffs continue, access to healthcare is being lost, and those who are most vulnerable in the criminal justice system are not being adequately protected from the coronavirus. As followers of Christ, we are called to create a society where the needs of the poor and vulnerable are always considered first.
Tell your Senators to support those who are poor and vulnerable during this pandemic. You are also encouraged to add your own personal story about the need for COVID-19 relief.


  Bishops Statement Celebrates Schools as Resource, Ministry  

Our Catholic Schools in California: A Stellar Past, A Robust Future is a 2016 statement released by the California Catholic Conference of Bishops advocating for the high quality of education of every child and committing to Christ-centered stewardship of California Catholic schools. 
Our California Catholic schools have a stellar past, and they have been a substantial resource, not only for the Church, but for society as a whole. As we commit ourselves to support and promote our statewide network of Catholic schools, let all of us - clergy, laity, state and civic leaders - remember the blessing and gift that Catholic schools have been for generations of students, many of whom were newly arrived immigrants with dreams and hopes for a better future. They were educated by modern saints, primarily women religious, whose tireless effort and dedication ensured that their students grew strong in faith and intellect, and led lives of leadership and service to the common good. 
Today, we, the bishops of California, are proud that our Catholic schools continue to educate all students, including the newly arrived immigrant and the often neglected student on the margins of society. We know that, with God's grace and our concerted, collaborative effort, California's Catholic schools have a robust future.


July 24, 2020
Vol. 13 No. 25

California Catholic Conference

 En Español

"When love for parents and children is inspired and purified by love for the Lord, it then becomes wholly fruitful and produces good fruits within the family itself and well beyond it." @Pontifex




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