Dear John,

Defend our land, water, and public health against Big Oil's attacks: Donate $10 or more to Friends of the Earth now!

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The Grand Canyon. The Rocky Mountains. Bears Ears National Monument. Sequoia National Park. Chaco Canyon. Yosemite. All of these are under attack. As I write this, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is rubber-stamping the selling off of our public lands to Big Oil and extractive industries. We need to act fast to save our public lands.

Big Oil is working with this administration to try to force through massive expansion of extreme extraction on public lands, including America’s most iconic wild places. This means uranium mining, oil drilling, fracking, and horrific health impacts on local communities.

We can’t let this administration and Big Oil transform these pristine places into oil and gas sites that poison our planet and communities.

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The BLM’s plan to sell and lease millions of acres of public lands would be devastating to wildlife and people alike. It would virtually guarantee poisoned water, increased rates of cancer, and other health issues for local Indigenous communities. It would result in open pit mines and toxic oil rigs scarring our iconic landscapes. And it would mean barreling toward unmitigated climate change.

In order to avert climate disaster, we need to keep 80 percent of known fossil fuel reserves in the ground. That means that we can’t afford ANY new fossil fuel extraction on federal lands. Our wild lands are here for the public good, to preserve our natural heritage for future generations, and are relied upon by Indigenous communities.

This administration wants to give its oil and gas buddies an all-access pass to plunder our national treasures -- all at the expense of our land, water, and public health. And, as if that weren’t bad enough, they are counting on the global pandemic to distract us long enough to sneak their destructive policies through.

We can’t let them get away with it. Donate $10 to Friends of the Earth and help stop Big Oil’s plan to defile our public lands.

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I’ll be honest, John: Our opposition wants you to feel hopeless in this fight, because they know that people power is the only thing that can stop them. But I don’t feel hopeless at all, and I hope you don’t either. Every day I do this work, I am reminded how powerful our movement has become -- because we are powered by your courage and passion, together with hundreds of thousands of environmentalists across the country.

At Friends of the Earth, we’ve been fighting Trump’s efforts to turn our public lands over to the fossil fuel industry at every step -- and we’ve been winning. 

  • We’ve ousted Ryan Zinke, the corrupt high-level official who was selling off our public lands. Now, we’re exposing his replacement, Interior Secretary Bernhardt, for how he violated ethics rules by working with his former fossil fuel industry clients.
  • We are leading the charge in gathering public comments to oppose oil and gas lease sales -- and it’s working. Our members have delivered tens of thousands of comments that have helped turn the tide.
  • We’ve worked with the House to pass bills that protect our public lands, including The Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act, which will protect the Grand Canyon from uranium mining forever.
  • We outsmart Big Oil. The oil lobby relies on quietly manipulating Congress into passing sneaky loopholes and environmental rollbacks, while staying out of the public spotlight. We stay a step ahead of them, identifying their underhanded tactics, generating public attention, and fighting back at every turn. We target not only the attacks on our lands, water, and public health, but also the underhanded attempts to weaken our defenses against these attacks.
  • We fight for what this moment demands: A rapid phase out of all extraction and burning of fossil fuels, starting with a ban on new fossil fuel leasing in federal lands and waters, and a moratorium on federal permits for fossil fuel projects that have the greatest impact on frontline communities and sensitive ecosystems.

In these unprecedented times, everything we care about is up for grabs. To meet this moment, we will all need to step up in new ways. At Friends of the Earth, we are using every tool in our toolbox to block these dirty energy projects, including direct action. We’re expanding our fight as watchdogs for people and the planet, because we have no other choice.

We are asking you to stand with us in this fight. Please support Friends of the Earth with a $10 donation today.

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Nicole Ghio,
Senior fossil fuels program manager, 
Friends of the Earth
