The threat from the far-right is ever-changing, so HOPE not hate must adapt too. We're working out next priorities, and want your input. Will you help us by telling us what you think?

Tell us your opinion now

HOPE not hate

John --

As lockdown eases and life around the country starts to adapt to a 'new normal', I wanted to take a moment to make sure that the work we do at HOPE not hate is the best it can be.

That's why I need your help. Can you tell me what you consider to be our most important areas of work? What is it that we do that you value most, and what do you think we could do more of? Let us know today.

Obviously we can't do everything we'd like to do, but I think it's so important that people like you are given the opportunity to shape our work.

Help us to be the best we can be - give us your opinion on HOPE not hate today.

I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say!

Nick Lowles HOPE not hate

Tell us your opinion