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Top Stories




Everything You Want to Know About COVID-19 Antibody Testing but Were Afraid to Ask
What does a positive antibody test result mean? We try to answer this more in an in depth explainer around COVID-19 antibody testing.

Appeals Court Sides With City Hall in Dispute Over Inwood Rezoning
Reversing a decision that could have recast the balance of power over land policy in New York City, a state appeals court on Thursday ruled that the 2018 Inwood rezoning plan could go forward. 

Reporting Citi Bike Theft Can be a Tough Ride
This is the story of a New Yorker's stolen Citi Bike and the wild goose chase trying to file a police report — and how this baffling process is pretty common. 

Public Advocate Says Cops & ‘Cure Violence’ are Both Part of the Solution to Shootings
Public Advocate Jumaane Williams blames the rise in bloodshed not on criminal-justice reform or a slowed court system but on the devastation wrought by COVID-19.

Fewer Than 10% of NYC Office Workers Expected Back This Year
It will take work to restore New York's long-term appeal to business leaders and high-income talent.

Una Ciudad sin Límites




Para hacer frente a las inundaciones, la región de Nueva York necesita grandes cantidades de dinero y movimientos audaces: Informe
Una amplia coalición está pidiendo movimientos agresivos, desde las urnas hasta los mapas de la ciudad, para defender la región contra el aumento del nivel del mar y las tormentas costeras.

Nueva propuesta de reglas para asilo restringe a solicitantes LGBTQI
La norma propuesta eleva el listón de lo que se necesita para calificar para asilo permitiéndole a los jueces de inmigración ser más selectivos y que puedan rechazar solicitudes de asilo sin una audiencia judicial.

Opinión: Legisladores estatales tienen que hacer más para parar la criminalización de nuestras comunidades.
'El gobernador Cuomo dijo: 'No necesitan protestar, ganaron. Han cumplido su meta.' Incorrecto.'



The daily death tolls are dropping. But COVID-19's impact on our city has just begun. From hospitals to housing, education to the economy, there are tough questions to be answered and important stories to be told. With your help, we can tell them.

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Voices of New York
Amplifying NYC's Ethnic and Community Press

Chinese residents and businesses in the neighborhood collected more than 10,000 signatures on a petition against the arrangement, arguing the city should have notified the community of the plan.

City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics

Opinion: How Domestic Hunger Became a Partisan Issue
‘Most Democrats in Congress support increasing hunger funding while the vast majority of House Republicans, and most Senate Republicans, support such reductions. Hunger is now as partisan as gun control and abortion,’ says Joel Berg, CEO of Hunger Free America

Opinion: Albany Must Do More to Stop the Criminalization of our Communities
Governor Cuomo said, 'You don't need to protest, you won. You accomplished your goal.’ Wrong. While we won important progress in Albany, our demands go much further, said lead organizers at Make the Road New York.

Job Board
Our job board is full of positions in New York's public sector. Explore more jobs here.

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