Dear Accountability Champion,
The 2020 election season now begins in earnest with just three weeks until the conventions and three months until voters head to the polls. The Center for Responsive Politics (CRP) is parsing through the data to bring you essential news about key primary races and big money battles between congressional and presidential candidates. The stakes could not be higher as we enter the final stretch with super PACs and outside groups pouring millions into our election process:
- Trump and allied groups are unleashing a barrage of new ads as the president’s campaign grows increasingly concerned about plummeting poll numbers and a narrowing money gap between him and Biden.
- Biden is still playing catch up on the small donor front, leaning on an expansive liberal “dark money” network that is injecting millions of untraceable dollars into super PACs backing the presumptive Democratic nominee.
- Long time incumbents are facing credible challenges, indicating a possible sea change and a more competitive Senate map that will likely drive higher spending in more states.
In addition to our comprehensive, public interest election coverage, CRP has delivered in-depth investigations about COVID-19 stimulus conflicts, police union lobbying and other timely stories about the state of money-in-politics during a chaotic time for our republic. Article Alert subscribers were the first to access these investigations and featured reports, and the first to learn the latest ways that American politics continues to be shaped by monied interests ten years out from the landmark Citizens United ruling.
Article Alert offers insider news on money-in-politics before it’s available anywhere else. You receive first-rate analysis and reporting that flags misinformation by uncovering the sources behind online ads, shows how money stacks up to predict close races, and reveals conflicts of interest that help voters and consumers to make their choices.
This benefit is offered to OpenSecrets followers who have donated $100 or more in a year, and all subscriptions for Article Alert will renew automatically upon your annual contribution. Sign up today by donating $100.
Thank you for continuing to support transparent and accountable governance, and for making OpenSecrets a vital tool for our democracy.
With best regards,
Sheila Krumholz
Executive Director
Center for Responsive Politics
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