Join CND for an online meeting to discuss the impact of radiation on women's health. We are joined by keynote speakers Cindy Folkers of Beyond Nuclear and Mary Olson of the Gender and Radiation Impact Project.

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There is overwhelming evidence that women - and children - are considerably more sensitive to radiation than men. We will be discussing how this should impact the government's policy on nuclear power and considering concrete policy proposals that anti-nuclear campaigners should be advocating.

This webinar is part of a wider programme of actions and events to mark the 75th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Find out more in our online exhibition.

Pivot to peace, not war with China

US peace activists have been in touch over their concerns about increasing tensions between the US and China - both nuclear armed states. At a time when global cooperation - not confrontation - is needed more than ever, it's vital for the peace movement to work for dialogue and peace. Read CND General Secretary Kate Hudson's blog for more on the issue.


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