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If you drink wine, you should read this.

A shocking document details some dark secrets about the wine industry...

Released by the founder of America’s Exclusive Wine ‘Partnership,’ the document outlines a number of damning facts about the wine sitting on your kitchen counter right now, including:

He shares some shocking truths about wine, including some rather alarming facts about that bottle sitting on your kitchen counter right now.

Before you drink another drop, you’d do well to hear what America’s 'Top Wine Explorer' has to say…

4 Shocking Secrets I Learned About Wine

By Will Bonner, Founder, Bonner Private Wine Partnership

No, this isn’t going to one of those essays about how experts can’t tell the difference between cheap wine and expensive wine in blind taste tests.

The consensus among true experts is that those blind taste tests don’t tell you much anyway.

Not that I’m an expert, mind you. I’m just a guy who fell in love with a dark, bold red wine found only in a remote mountain valley 5,000 miles away...

It was back in 2006, when I moved my family to Argentina.

There, they still enjoy an “old world” tradition of wine... where old friends meet to reminisce over a bottle during long, later dinners... savoring each glass... without regard for labels or points...

One wine in particular took my breath away: a dark red wine known as “black wine,” grown at extreme altitudes (above 8,000 feet)...

Recently I began importing this wine. In the process I learned some truths about the wine industry that every wine lover should know...

...including what’s really in that bottle sitting on your counter right now...

...and the secret to getting quality rare foreign wines (without paying foreign wine prices)...

Secret N. 1: What’s Hiding in the Wine on Your Counter?

First, there’s a lot of cheating that goes into that cheap wine from your local supermarket.

When they can’t afford oak barrels... they used oak “flavoring” and other additives

When the wine isn’t dark enough... they add purple dye called “Mega Purple” (far more common than you think)

When the wine has any hint of sediment from the soil and air (which is what makes wines unique – the gout du terroir as the French say)... they use “fining agents” like potassium ferrocyanide (yes “-cyanide”)

When there’s a hint of bad weather, they harvest the grapes still green... and cover it up by adding more sugar!

You can see why alcohol industry fights tooth and nail to keep ingredients off of labels, spending as much as $30 million for lobbying last year.

But it gets worse...

Secret N. 2: Harmful Chemicals in Mass Produced Wines

Did you know that a 2013 study from France found traces of pesticides in 90% of wines sold in supermarkets?

And a lab test of 10 Californian wines found the weed-killer glyphosate in every single bottle!

They’ve stripped out the richness... the character of wine... everything that makes a bottle burst with life... and then added a lot of stuff that you don’t want!

Secret N. 3: Where You Can Still Find Delicious, Clean, Old Fashioned Wine

Here’s what I loved about the wine I discovered in Argentina: it’s fed with natural snowmelt water... no dyes... no filters... PLUS it’s extremely high altitude, so no need to drench the grapes in antifungals and pesticides (unlike some very famous regions!)

An opaque, near-black, red wine

But the true beauty of this wine is the remarkable flavor.

Here's why it's so good:

  • The sandy, dry soil is terrible for crops (vines love it because of the excellent drainage)
  • The vines are an old Malbec variety that disappeared from Europe about 150 years ago
  • The grapes get blasted with intense UV rays during the day (80% more intense than in Bordeaux) that create firm, round tannins (and antioxidants...up to 10 TIMES more than other wines!)...
  • At night the temperature drops 77 degrees (creating a dark, inky color and forcing the grapes to conserve nutrients)

When I popped my first bottle of this bold wine...when hints of balsamic, leather, and camphor wood drifted across my palate...

...well I was hooked.

Sadly, on the rare occasion you find these wines in America, they often go for over $500 a bottle! But here’s the work-around...

Secret N. 4: The Secret “Work-Around” to Getting Rare Foreign Wine Without Paying Foreign Wine Prices

If you buy a bottle of wine for $100, about $20 actually goes to covering the winemaking itself.

The rest? Marketing costs and infamous the “3-tier system”...which is what people in the wine business call the three layers of middle men that often go between a winemaker and you...driving prices way up because every layer has to make a profit and pay taxes!

But recently, I came up with a way to bypass this whole system:

I teamed up with some friends (including two internationally renowned sommeliers) to fill a whole shipping container with Argentine wine directly from these high-altitude wineries...no middle men... no inflated prices!

These wines are currently being held in a secure warehouse in California... and we’re looking for a limited number of new members to share them with...

Interested in joining us? You’ll find all the information right here (including how you can become one of the first Americans to sample and own a highly acclaimed red wine from Argentina’s most isolated winemaker...)


Will Bonner

P.S. Fair notice, we expect these spots to fill up very quickly (last time, we filled 500 spots in a day or so) so if you are interested, don’t wait to learn more!


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