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There is a real risk of unintended consequences from this noble attempt to provide greater clarity, transparency and consistency in hate crime law, writes Fred Mackintosh QC.
A leader of Britain's largest Muslim charity labelled Jews the "grandchildren of monkeys and pigs" and called Egypt's president a "Zionist pimp", it is revealed today.
A controversial mini-Mosque in a semi-detached house in Preston could be shut down after council officers opposed the lifting of strict conditions on its use.
The history of colourism can be traced back to the ideology of the Indian caste system, an occupational division of people, which still exists in South Asian communities today, writes Saman Javed.
'China must close the camps. Release all prisoners. Stop all forced labour, sterilisation and organ harvesting. Restore our religious and cultural freedoms.'
It's no secret that the strongest opposition to New Zealand's End of Life Choice Act, which would give people with a terminal illness the option of requesting assisted dying, comes from organised religion, says Martin Hanson.
New hate crime laws proposed for Scotland may seriously undermine free speech - including the freedom to criticise or satirise religion. Find out more and help us protect free speech in Scotland.
Welsh government plans would see Religion, Values and Ethics taught in a more pluralistic way. But they fall short of ensuring every pupil gets genuinely balanced and critical RVE. Find out more and help improve the proposals.
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