Friday, July 24th, 2020

A Walk in Prague: Contemplating the West’s Achievement

Vasko Kohlmayer

Princeton’s Racism Problem

Thomas DiLorenzo

Walter Berns and the Cult of ‘Patriotic’ Sacrifice

David Gordon

The Real Trump

Bill Sardi

Does Wearing a Mask Cause Diagnostic Tests To Read False-Positive for COVID?

Jon Rappoport

Is the West Repeating India’s Mistakes?

Claudio Grass and Jayant Bhandari.

Blood Money: The Civil War and the Federal Reserve

Paul Craig Roberts

Stress Test of a Straining Superpower

Patrick J. Buchanan

Hard Head, Soft Heart

Theodore Dalrymple

What’s Wrong With Public Schools?

According to the evil NY Times, “nice white parents.”

The Financial System – A Hubristic Swindle

Egon von Greyerz

UV Radiation Protects Against Coronavirus

Dr. Joseph Mercola

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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