Great news, team: The National Education Association (NEA) just endorsed Georgette for Congress.

The NEA joins the California Federation of Teachers (CFT) and other labor organizations and educational groups in supporting Georgette -- they know that she will be a progressive champion fighting day-in and day-out for our students, faculty, and staff every day.

Far too often, our teachers are overworked, underpaid, and underappreciated for their work -- especially during these turbulent times in which they are supporting students remotely.

Not to mention the attacks they are facing from the president. Just a few weeks ago, Trump claimed that public school teachers are teaching children to hate their country. And now, he wants teachers to risk their lives by going back to school with no plan, equipment, or budget to ensure the safety of our teachers and their students.

Georgette will never let the president bully schools into reopening nor teachers into unsafe working conditions, and that's why we need her in Congress. Can you chip in $5 or anything you can to make sure we have a fighter for teachers and students in office?

Teachers deserve more than just recognition for their work: They deserve fair wages for their work. They deserve proper support from nurses, counselors, funding for school supplies and protective equipment to keep them safe, as well as proper benefits and health care.

We ask so much of our teachers, and it's time we gave them what they are due. That is exactly what Georgette is going to fight for in Congress, and that's why she's earned the support of the NEA, the CFT, and so many other organizations who also have the backs of educators.

Will you help Georgette make it to Washington to keep up the fight for teachers by donating $5 or more to her campaign? Thank you, friend.

Together, we will fight for our teachers and give them what they have long deserved.

-- Team Gómez