![]() It appears the Big Government politicians are worried loading up one bill like a Christmas tree could stand in the way of their latest CORONA-Y-ISM spending monstrosity. . . . . . It might even threaten their dream of forcing you to get a government mark of approval to live your life with H.R. 6666-style contact tracing armies. So the good news is pressure from citizens like you is working. And now the authoritarians in the Washington, D.C. "Swamp" are scrambling to find new strategy, introducing multiple spending bills instead of just one. But we've got to keep the pressure on. You see, the bad news is, my sources are reporting the package of spending bills Sen. McConnell is pushing will include nearly $60 BILLION for H.R. 6666-style madness. Without your IMMEDIATE action, the Big Government politicians will send our nation off a cliff in shackles with their marriage of this Orwellian nightmare and another spending monstrosity. That's why I'm counting on you to sign the postcard to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and your U.S. Senators I've prepared for you. As you'll see this postcard DEMANDS they cease their plunder of Americans' hard-earned wealth and lets them know LOUD and CLEAR that spending even ONE RED CENT to expand their power and control with Orwellian track-and-trace schemes is unforgivable! Fellow Patriot, you know as well as I do creatures of the Washington, D.C. “Swamp” will take advantage of ANY CRISIS to enrich themselves and their cronies. And the only thing more alluring to them is expanding their RAW POWER and CONTROL over Americans' lives and livelihoods. So it's no surprise that's what they're trying with the coronavirus hysteria they've spun back up in recent weeks. As I warned you when H.R. 6666 was introduced, they want a Stasi-style police force with power to enter your home to “conduct testing,” “contact tracing” and “related activities,” and for “other purposes” to separate those who test positive (or refuse to comply) from loved ones! That's why the statists and their pals in the media elite, are going all-out to "get the camel's nose under the tent" and ensure BILLIONS of your dollars are in this latest CORONA-Y-ISM spending monstrosity for this Orwellian nightmare. The truth is, the fatality rate of COVID-19 continues to sink like a rock in recent weeks -- just as we always knew it would. But the WHO and the CDC won't tell you that. If they did, the global "elite" bureaucrats like Dr. Fauci and his cohorts could not get more cargo ship loads full of your money to spend like drunken sailors. The Big Government statists in Congress and their pals in the federal bureaucracy have driven the National Debt to a record approaching $27 TRILLION now -- over $3 TRILLION of it since April alone. For perspective -- the entire annual federal budget is “ONLY” $4 trillion! We know EXACTLY who they'll be handing cash out to if the last CORONA-Y-ISM spending monstrosity is any indication . . . THEM, THEIR politically-connected corporate cronies, and their special interest pals. From Speaker Pelosi and Senator McConnell's own families, to a slew of companies owned by governors of states who ORDERED you and me under lockdown. . . To their Wall Street fat-cat pals and cronies in the Special Interest and Social Welfare crowds, they all raked in millions at your expense. Even political organizations and causes I'm sure you oppose -- like the anti-gun Brady Campaign AND the anti-gun Giffords Law Center got "loans" reportedly up to $1.5 million in COVID PPP relief fund cash (funded by you) to funnel to anti-gun candidates. Now they all want another pound of flesh. And of course, Bill Gates wants to rake in more cash for his bio-medical schemes. In fact, Gates stated in a TV interview this week "None of the vaccines at this point appear like they'll work with a single dose." And that, "you need to get 70-80% coverage on a global basis. So it's unbelievably big numbers." And that's after the Department of Health and Human Services agreed this week to purchase a HUNDRED MILLION DOSES of UNTESTED vaccines from Pfizer and the Gates-tied BioNTech. What won't they do under the guise of so-called "rescue" from the coronavirus chaos? It's clear this all about enriching themselves and their cronies and expanding their RAW POWER and CONTROL over your life and livelihood. I know liberty-loving Americans like you are fed up with the elites' whole charade. But we've got to keep the pressure on to ensure the politicians in Washington, D.C. get the message LOUD and CLEAR. Please sign your postcard DEMANDING they cease their plunder of Americans' hard-earned wealth and letting them know in no uncertain terms that spending even ONE RED CENT to expand their power and control with Orwellian track-and-trace schemes to expand their power and control is unforgivable! Then if at all possible, please agree to pitch in with a generous financial gift of $50 or even more to help me mobilize more patriots to bring the politicians rampant corruption to a crashing halt and restore liberty! Please act at once For Liberty, ![]() Dr. Ron Paul, M.D. Chairman P.S. Unlike many groups on the both the Right and Left, Campaign for Liberty isn't taking any government "loans" or bailouts . . . we rely strictly on the generosity of good patriotic friends like you. |