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I hope that this finds you safe and healthy during this most difficult time. I send my sincerest condolences to the family and friends of the people who have lost loved ones due to COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live and will have a lasting impact on our families and community. The District has a sustained low positivity rate, hospital capacity low enough to accommodate a COVID-19 surge, and the ability to conduct contact tracing, however the reality is that COVID-19 remains a threat to our public health. COVID-19 has shown a disproportionate impact among residents of color specifically black people with a 49% positivity rate and 74% of the COVID-19 related deaths being black people.
I encourage all residents to continue to follow the guidance of DC Health and safely share information about COVID-19 related resources with neighbors. The Mayor has issued an order requiring residents to wearmask ([link removed][UNIQID]) or face covering when in public unless residents are vigorously exercising, actively eating or drinking, or 3 years old or younger. The District now has free public testing ([link removed][UNIQID]) available for District residents 7 days a week. Additionally, District residents who are home bound because of COVID-19 can request support from the District for food and other essential items by calling 1-888-349-8323.
When the public emergency began in March of this year, I don’t know that many of us anticipated how long it may last, and we still do not have that answer. The Mayor’s current order takes us through October 9th. For so many this has been both a health crisis as well as an economic crisis, with many out of work, under-employed, small business owners struggling and challenges with childcare and education access for our children.
I remain focused on these concerns and ask that you to reach out to our office so that we may continue to work together to tackle these challenges.
For more information on the Districts response to COVID-19 please visit
In service,
In this issue of the Ward 5 Report:
* Kenyan in the Community
* Small Business Spotlight
* Mayor's Mask Order
* Heat Emergency Plan
* Department of Motor Vehicle Update
* 2020 Census
** Kenyan in the Community
[link removed][UNIQID]
Councilmember McDuffie joined Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton for a discussion with the African American Real Estate Professionals to discuss police reform legislation.
** Small Business Spotlight
Support #OurWard5SmallBiz ([link removed][UNIQID]) while helping your mental and physical health. Bourne 2 Fly Fitness is offering outdoor fitness classes. Bourne 2 Fly Fitness is located at 3408 18th Street NE.
Facebook: /B2FFitness ([link removed][UNIQID])
Instagram: @B2FFitness ([link removed][UNIQID])
COVID-19 Testing & Grocery Sites
** Mayor's Mask Order
** Heat Emergency Plan
When the temperature or heat index in the District reaches 92 degrees, District Government will implement the Heat Emergency Plan and activate cooling centers for residents to seek relief. Residents and visitors should take extra steps to beat the heat by staying in the shade or air-conditioning, drinking plenty of water and visiting a cooling center.
To find the nearest cooling center to you click HERE ([link removed][UNIQID]) .
** Department of Motor Vehicle Update
All service centers, adjudication services, and the Brentwood Commercial Driver License (CDL) Office will operate on an appointment only basis. To schedule an in person appointment click here ([link removed][UNIQID]) .
** 2020 Census
The #2020Census ([link removed][UNIQID]) impacts funding for the things that matter most. Your response impacts your parks, schools, and so much more. Learn more at [link removed][UNIQID] ([link removed][UNIQID]) .
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