House of Reps Offers Terrible Solutions to America's Problems "Undoing policies that contribute to inequality is paramount to establishing a more just society... Immigration policy can be a contributing factor to inequality, most notably when the immigrants are in lower-income positions." -- NumbersUSA Volunteer Coordinator Lisa Venus
Dear John, Last week, I wrote about how stunning it was that Joe Biden and Congressional Democratic leadership have said that they would make increasing immigration their number-one priority if Biden were elected. You might think that they'd have higher priorities, like the 50 million people who have filed for unemployment benefits since the start of the pandemic... or the pandemic, itself. But Nancy Pelosi and her team don't think that way. It's appropriations season. That's when Congress decides how to spend money for the next fiscal year, which begins October 1. The House is using the appropriations process plus some stand-alone bills to make their aim clear: MORE immigration and LESS enforcement, without regard to the impact of immigration on unemployment and wages. Below, I'm going to list some of AMERICA'S URGENT PROBLEMS and the disastrous "answers" Nancy Pelosi and her allies are proposing to "fix" them. If some of these proposals get enacted into law, it will be America that pays the cost. We cannot afford to allow this open-borders madness to continue to go mainstream! If you don't want to see this happen, help us fight them NOW. If you think this can wait until after elections, ask yourself why the House is already fighting over these proposals this year. Right now, the Democrats think opening borders is a winning issue. We have to change that thinking. If you are one of our supporters who can't donate right now, keep your eyes open for Action Alerts about all of the legislation I've written about. That's our ultimate strategy: to have America's citizenry expressing themselves forcefully, clearly, and knowledgeably to their elected officials. But if you can GIVE, know this: If we have a hope of stopping a new wave of immigration expansion, we must hear from you again, and soon! Help us put an end to the madness... TODAY!
These are the House proposals possibly facing action next week or soon after:
These are just SOME of the bad actions from the House. In addition, funding for ICE has been slashed 25% and then slashed again. Newly arriving foreign nationals will receive the right to counsel. John, whatever you believe the causes to be, American minorities still are much more likely to lack jobs, good housing and quality education. Shouldn't we recommit ourselves to make sure all Americans enjoy the blessings of our liberty and prosperity before we import more foreign workers? Why are we setting aside jobs to attract more people to come here, when so many Americans are jobless? "Inequality is at the root of many of our nation's economic, political, and social injustices. We are witnessing its devastating impact starkly as we battle a pandemic that has led to historic job losses and the threat of a deep recession. Many of our essential workers - consisting of large numbers of Blacks, Hispanics, and women who were economically vulnerable before the pandemic - have been potentially risking their lives to remain employed amidst outbreaks. For the unemployed, there is grim uncertainty." -- NumbersUSA Volunteer Coordinator Lisa Venus At this moment, we are fairly optimistic that some of these bills and bill amendments won't make it all the way into signed law. We can't take chances. We need your help to make certain none of these absurd proposals ever make it into law! We need to rally those in Congress who tend to be open to our positions, and we need to push back against those who oppose us! We can only do this with your help. We need a recommitment from America to prevent immigration madness. But right now, a huge portion of our donors' families are facing unemployment, reduced hours, or cut wages. Can you step up and make sure NumbersUSA is doing all that can be done to put America back to work? You can donate three ways: 1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. 2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. 3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Stay well, Dan Marsh P. S. Want to send me your feedback? We're glad to hear from you at [email protected]. P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help. |