Folks: this is not a drill. The Trump campaign sent a major surrogate to Colorado to stump for Cory Gardner — Ivanka Trump.

Rush a $10 donation before Ivanka leaves Colorado. We have to stop the GOP’s plans to shore up their right-wing base.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

The Trump campaign is known for schmoozing with corporate billionaires, hosting high-dollar fundraisers, and shoring up support for their GOP loyalists.

They know Colorado is a must-win state so they’re making us a top target. Keep in mind — we’re already facing a major fundraising disadvantage because Gardner has more than double cash-on-hand than our campaign.

We have to fight back today. Trump’s attack machine is breaking fundraising records left and right, and the only way we can counter it is by collecting as many grassroots donations as possible. That’s why it’s critical we reach our $125,000 end-of-month goal next week:

Can you make an urgent donation of $10 or more right now? Our race represents the Democrats’ best opportunity to flip a Senate seat, and we cannot let Trump and the GOP take that away from us:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Cory Gardner, and other GOP extremists know that John Hickenlooper is a real threat to their power and that our campaign is gaining momentum every day.

That’s why they’ll be pulling out all the stops over the next few months, starting this week with Ivanka’s visit.

Thanks for being a member of the team that’s keeping Trump and his allies scared.

— Team Hickenlooper