Cynthia Powell, home at last. |
Dear friend,
I am thrilled to report that Cynthia Powell is now free!
For those who don’t know, Cynthia was given a 25-year mandatory minimum prison sentence in Florida for a first-time drug offense. FAMM shared her story to highlight the unintended consequences and awful injustices caused by Florida’s drug sentencing laws. You can read her story here: https://famm.org/stories/cynthia-powell-25-years-35-pills-2/
FAMM advocated Powell's release for years. In 2014, after a FAMM-led campaign, the Florida Legislature changed the laws under which Cynthia and so many others had been sentenced. Unfortunately, Florida's constitution prohibited the legislature from making that change retroactive.
That meant Cynthia saw no relief, despite the fact that stories like hers led to the change.
In 2018, after another FAMM-led effort, Florida voters amended the state constitution to allow sentencing retroactivity. Nevertheless, the legislature had yet to make the 2014 changes retroactive. Again, Cynthia saw no relief.
Then last month, Florida State Attorney Michael Satz launched an effort to review cases of people serving drug sentences that were no longer found in the law. Cynthia's was among those cases. After conducting an "equitable review" of her case and others like it, State Attorney Satz filed a motion to modify Cynthia's sentence to time served.
Cynthia was released last week after serving more than 17 years in prison. She is now at home with her family. Cynthia's release is wonderful news, but it also highlights the work that's left to do in Florida. The process that led to Cynthia's release is limited and very narrow. The Legislature has not created new options for release, and incarcerated people cannot file their own motions for a reduced sentence. At the very least, the Legislature should make the 2014 reforms retroactive so EVERYONE serving an unjust sentence is given a second chance.
Until then, though, we will celebrate Cynthia's freedom, and continue our fight.

Kevin Ring
President, FAMM
P.S. Our work advocating for people like Cynthia is made possible from your generous gifts. Please consider making a donation in Cynthia’s honor today: https://secure.everyaction.com/UCT_4puDKkCSCL2maz23eQ2