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It has been over a month of demonstrations across the country calling for the end of police brutality towards Black people, following the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis and Breonna Taylor in Louisville. These demonstrations sparked important, long-overdue conversations about racism, justice, and equity — forcing sports teams and military bases to reconsider their racist names, toppling monuments of white supremacy, challenging corporations to live up to their pro-Black Lives Matter statements, and starting real discussions in our communities. Racism, and anti-Blackness in particular, is pervasive in every aspect of our society. It’s not a thing of the past — it’s happening right now.

While the protests continue throughout the country (and the world), it can feel as though the fight for racial justice has faded while we grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic recession, and the ever-present corruption by the criminal in the White House. But we must keep pushing to prove that the fight for justice is a movement, not a moment.

My team continues to have conversations about becoming more actively anti-racist, and some folks have asked how they can stay involved and make real change. That’s why we’ve compiled the following list of actions that everyone can take today:
I encourage you to complete these actions today, especially if you’ve never done anything like this before. All of us here will be doing the same.

In solidarity,

Take Action
Please visit for information and resources to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and prevent infection. Follow CDC guidelines, including social distancing to avoid large groups and unnecessary contact with others, and adhere to instruction from your local and state elected officials.

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Tom Steyer PAC · PO Box 626 · San Francisco, CA 94104 · USA

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