Submit your nominations for the top 40 emerging clean energy leaders in the U.S.! Nominations are due August 7.
Photo Credit: MPCA
What's Up with "Clean Car Standards"
and Why Do They Matter for Minnesotans? 

Clean car standards would provide cleaner air and climate solutions for our state, but the initiative has been under attack from opponents since the Governor announced it in late 2019. Check out our new in-depth guide to Clean Cars Minnesota and get your questions answered.

A First Look at Xcel's $3B Clean Energy Proposal
Xcel Energy released an ambitious plan to jumpstart Minnesota's economic recovery by accelerating spending on clean energy investments. There are still many unknowns, but our policy staff dove in to draw some initial conclusions. Take a look at what they're celebrating and what needs more work.
Register for the Truly Affordable Webinar Series
We have the know-how to build super-efficient housing that's both affordable and helps cut carbon emissions. So why isn't it happening? Register today and join Fresh Energy and thought leaders for the final installment of our free webinar series next week. Did you miss the past three events? Click here for the recordings!
ENN Logo
Have you heard about the corruption scandal in Ohio? The Energy News Network (published by Fresh Energy) first reported on Ohio's House Bill 6 in March and three of the people arrested this week were named in the story. Check out this great investigative journalism by Kathiann M. Kowalski here.
The Midwest Building Decarbonization Coalition is hiring! Join this exciting new coalition launched by Fresh Energy and partners across the region to play a leadership role in developing an equitable and diverse Midwestern coalition to advance affordable homes and businesses that are free of climate change-causing air pollution. Learn more.


August 4 & 18 | Mowing Electric
Do electric lawn mowers live up to the hype? Join us for a free webinar where we'll look "under the hood" of some mower models, review what's on the market, and more. RSVP for August 4 here or August 18 here.
October 22 | Benefit Breakfast
Our annual fundraiser has gone virtual! We are pleased to welcome Leah Stokes, Ph.D., a national expert on energy, climate, and environmental politics, as our keynote speaker. Join us as we discuss why clean energy must be at the center of rebuilding our economy. RSVP to reserve your spot today!

To continue our work, we rely on the generosity of people like you who care about America’s energy future. We are thankful for our recent members and corporate supporters in June. Click here to see the full list.

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