Hi John,

I'd just like to say a big thank you to those that made yesterday's launch of our Youth Climate Justice Manifesto such a success! 

Please sign the pledge and lend your voice to their call >>

It was amazing to be joined online by over 170 people for inspiration and conversation with Mary RobinsonSelina Neirok, Youth Ambassador for the Marshall Islands, Grace O'Sullivan, MEP and, the stars of the show, our Youth 2030 Young People's Committee. 

The key message from the event was that finger pointing will not solve the climate crisis: young people of Ireland want climate justice and that means unity. Sign the pledge to support the manifesto and lend your voice to our call!
Read the manifesto and sign the pledge!
To amplify your impact John, please share the pledge via email and social media with as many people as you can.

As ever, if I can answer any questions, please get in touch. 

All the best,


Valerie Duffy

Youth 2030: Global Youth Work Programme
National Youth Council of Ireland
3 Montague Street
Dublin 2

P.S. Here's the link to the Climate Justice pledge again and you can also share using the links below ;)
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NYCI - National Youth Council of Ireland
Youth 2030 is a partnership between NYCI and Irish Aid, working in consortia with Concern Worldwide, Maynooth University and Trócaire to deliver Global Youth Work and Development Education to the youth sector.
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