Dear Friend,
“I don’t know anybody more civil than Jim Cooper.” I was honored by President Obama's kind words then, but they seem to mean even more to me now. Too many took for granted how fortunate our nation was to have a leader who truly knew the meaning of civility and the desire to find common ground with those with whom we may disagree.
But instead, we now have a president who uses issues like immigration to divide our nation. From the start of his presidential campaign, Donald Trump used immigrants and other minorities as wedges to pit Americans against Americans. With constant vitriol and xenophobia coming out of the White House, I understand if you’re exhausted by each day’s breaking news of Trump’s latest atrocity.
I’ve been proud to stand up to Trump’s racist agenda – from being one of the first Members of Congress to speak out against his travel ban on Muslims to his latest efforts to exclude undocumented immigrants from the U.S. Census. I’m with you. I’ve had enough.
That’s why it’s important we all vote. Tennesseans are in the middle of early voting for the election on August 6. And then, we all have to make our voices heard in November.
Better days are ahead.