A new poll by Emily Ekins shows that Americans feel uncomfortable sharing their opinions in the current political climate.
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July 23, 2020
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Do Americans Feel Restricted In Sharing Their Political Views? ([link removed] )
A new Cato Institute/YouGov survey finds that self‐censorship is on the rise. 62% say the political climate prevents them from saying things they believe because others might find them offensive.
- New Poll: 62% Say the Political Climate Prevents Them from Sharing Political Views ([link removed] )
By Emily Ekins
Foreign Policy Resized 621px ([link removed] )
The Overseas Contingency Operations Account Needs to Go ([link removed] )
Lawmakers should rally behind House appropriators’ effort to eliminate a funding vehicle that allows the Pentagon to evade budget caps.
- OCO Must Go ([link removed] )
By Lauren Sander, Brandon Valeriano, and Eric Gomez
Scrutinizing Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of (Special) Rights ([link removed] )
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In many states, law enforcement officers accused of misconduct get special protections from the criminal justice system. Those protections harm efforts to hold police accountable. Cato’s Walter Olson explains how it works.
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