If the line isn’t drawn in the sand right now, America will be

This is U.S. Senator Ron Wyden from Oregon.

First, I have great news. Already over 35 senators are co-sponsoring the bill I introduced this week with Sen. Jeff Merkley and Sen. Chris Murphy to stop the Trump Administration from dispatching his personal federal army into America's streets. Tens of thousands of PCCC members have taken action to support this measure.

What our country has witnessed over the last several days in Portland are fascist tactics I never thought I’d see used on American soil. If the line isn’t drawn in the sand right now, America will be staring down the barrel of martial law for months to come.

Now, I'm asking for your help to send back to Donald Trump the federal forces he has thrown into the streets of Portland, Oregon. All my colleagues on both sides of the aisle need to know the public is paying attention and won't tolerate this. Will you sign on as a supporter of our emergency proposal?

These troops have no accountability. They wear camouflage. They whisk innocent protesters off the street. And they shoot innocent people.

Headlines that should be unthinkable anywhere in America are the reality in Portland today:

Reuters: U.S. Homeland Security confirms three units sent paramilitary officers to Portland

Oregon Live: Federal officers use gas, force on hundreds gathered in downtown Portland Tuesday

Portland Mercury: Feds Gas Moms & Dads Again

Donald Trump has made it clear that what’s happening in Portland is just the beginning. If Congress doesn't step in, these authoritarian tactics won't stop in my hometown.

If Donald Trump’s unconstitutional abuses can happen in Portland, they can happen anywhere. Please sign onto emergency legislation saying this is unacceptable in America and must end.

Thanks for your solidarity.

-- Sen. Ron Wyden (@RonWyden)


We are expanding our full-page newspaper ad featuring veterans calling Trump out for this lawless behavior. Please chip in now so we can place a big order in MORE key states today.

Turn on images to see our full-page newspaper ad featuring veterans calling Trump a threat to our Constitution.

We are expanding our full-page newspaper ad featuring veterans calling Trump out for this lawless behavior. Please chip in now so we can place a big order in MORE key states today.



Paid for by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee PAC (www.BoldProgressives.org) and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to the PCCC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.