
The Cook Political Report just upgraded 20 race ratings toward Democratic candidates nationwide, including several of our endorsed challengers and incumbents:

  • Christina Hale’s race for an open seat in Indiana’s 5th District was changed from “Lean Republican” to “Toss-up.”
  • Brynne Kennedy’s race to unseat Republican Tom McClintock in California’s 4th District was changed from “Solid Republican” to “Likely Republican.”
  • Dan Feehan’s race to unseat Republican Jim Hagedorn in Minnesota’s 1st District was changed from “Likely Republican” to “Lean Republican.”
  • Rep. Gil Cisneros’s campaign for re-election in the former Republican stronghold of California’s 39th District was changed from “Lean Democratic” to “Likely Democratic.”
  • Rep. Jason Crow’s campaign for re-election as the only Democrat to ever represent Colorado’s 6th District was changed from “Likely Democratic” to “Solid Democratic.”

There’s a pattern here!

Democratic momentum is surging, John, and we need to take advantage of it. Can you rush a contribution to Serve America so that we can continue to support this new generation of leaders and get them over the finish line in November?

We have a real chance this year to win back the White House, flip the Senate, and expand our majority in the House.

But we can only do that with your continued support. We have to out-work, out-organize, and out-fundraise our opponent every day from now until November.

Thank you all you’re doing,

Serve America