From: Generation Progress Action
Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2020
You don’t want to miss this. |
{{FirstName or 'Hey'}},
Join us this Friday for a free virtual screening of the Oscar-nominated short documentary, St. Louis Superman, followed by what is sure to be a captivating and powerful panel discussion.
Friday, July 24 at 7:00 p.m. ET
Here’s a breakdown of how the night will go:
First, we’ll view St. Louis Superman, which follows former Missouri State Rep, and current GP #Fight4AFuture consultant, Bruce Franks Jr.’s path into activism after the murder of Michael Brown by police in 2014. The film illustrates his time in office, his journey to the seat, and the overall impact on his mental health.
After the screening, we’ll be joined by our esteemed panelists:
- Kayla Reed, Action St. Louis executive director and leader in the Movement for Black Lives
- Maya Rupert, political strategist and writer, former Julián Castro campaign manager
- Bruce Franks Jr., battle-rapper, former Missouri state representative, community activist, and star of St. Louis Superman
- Dometi Pongo (panel moderator), award-winning journalist, MTV News host, and host of MTV's True Life Crime
RSVP now for this incredible movie screening and discussion.
This panel will give you an opportunity to have some powerful truths in your back pocket.
See you there,
Brent J. Cohen
Executive Director
Generation Progress Action
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