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Hoosier Republicans, 

President Trump said it perfectly yesterday – “When you are not able to socially distance, wear a mask.”

It’s science. It’s patriotic. And it’s the action we must take in order to keep our economy opening across the state.
WATCH – President Trump: “Wear a mask.”
Today, Governor Holcomb announced that in certain situations, Hoosiers will be required to wear a face covering when they’re in public spaces.

Wearing a mask can help us prevent the transmission of the virus, prevent us from having to go back to stay-at-home orders, and it’s the next prudent step that we need to take as a state.

This requirement applies to Hoosiers over the age of 8 in indoor public spaces, at commercial entities, using transportation services, or outside where you cannot socially distance. When in school, mask use will be required for our kids in grades 3 and up, for faculty and staff, and anyone in a school.

And as Governor Holcomb said today, with ALL of us working together to prevent the spread of COVID-19, we can prevent Indiana from (like other states) needing to go backwards:
"We have, as Hoosiers, worked very hard to get to where we are today. Businesses are open and operating at various levels of capacity, people are getting haircuts, we're eating in restaurants and we're working in all kinds of facilities, both large and small. And we want to keep it that way.

"We want businesses to stay open. We want more Hoosiers to continue this trend of going back safely to work. We don't want to dial it back or put it in reverse...or as some are, shutting down again. Face coverings can and will help us blunt this increase."

-Governor Eric Holcomb
All along, Governor Holcomb has said that the data behind four guiding principles – hospitalizations, surge capacity, testing and contact tracing – will guide his decisions. Here’s where Indiana stands now:

Hospitalizations - Daily admissions are up from 595 Hoosiers admitted on June 26 to 803 Hoosiers admitted on July 20.

Surge Capacity – Hospital capacity remains strong, with 36.6% ICU beds available and 82.% vents available

Testing – Indiana’s test positivity rate has increased to 7% (up from 4.3% on June 18). Indiana has 214 testing sites available, with 654,000 Hoosiers tested.

Contact Tracing - Robust contact tracing continues, contacting all Hoosiers within 48-72 hours of a positive test.

Together, we can follow President Trump and Governor Holcomb’s lead. We can wear our masks, we can save lives, and we can keep Indiana’s economy on the path of reopening.

We don’t want to go back – and together, we can keep Indiana moving forward.

-Indiana Republican Party
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Indiana Republican State Committee, Inc. · 101 W. Ohio St., Suite 2200 · Indianapolis, IN 46204 · USA