Sign up for Monthly Calling Campaign; City of Flagstaff passes
resolution supporting Energy Innovation Act
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Weekly Briefing, July 22, 2020
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Table of Contents:
Message from Danny
Take action this week
Featured lever: Grasstops
Training topics
Message from Danny: Congress is ready to engage on climate change again
In his first message since April, CCL VP for Government Affairs Danny
Richter tells us that Congress is ready to talk about climate change
again, "and they're coming to the table with lots of ideas."
Danny gives an update on two pieces of legislation CCL is supporting,
the RECLAIM Act to help distressed coal communities and the Growing
Climate Solutions Act to help farmers get paid for using climate-smart
practices. He also has suggestions for actions our volunteers can take
"As they head into their districts during the August recess, we want
members of Congress to know that climate change continues to be a
priority for Americans all across the country, and we're ready for them
to take action."
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Take action this week
If you have a little time: As Danny suggested in his update video, he's
encouraging volunteers to sign up for our Monthly Calling Campaign
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, write a letter to your local paper
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, or tweet to your member of Congress
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about climate legislation. Pick one, and click on the link to take the
If you have more time: Join our upcoming webinar to hear from Christine
Gerbode, a Senior Research Analyst in the area of Health and Environment
at the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy. The call takes
place July 27 at 8:30 p.m. ET and is hosted by CCL's Health Action Team
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. RSVP here
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to join the call.
You can also connect with your nearest CCL chapter
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to take action in your community, or join one of CCL's national online
Action Teams
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to take action on specific topics like agriculture, health, faith, and
Browse CCL Community's Event Calendar
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to find upcoming events, trainings, and calls you can join.
Grasstops: Flagstaff endorses H.R. 763
Municipal resolutions endorsing the Energy Innovation Act carry great
influence with members of Congress, and an Arizona CCL chapter scored a
big win late last month when the Flagstaff City Council passed a
resolution supporting H.R. 763. It took two attempts in 2017
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to pass a resolution backing carbon fee and dividend. This time around,
however, the group encountered no resistance when the bill was brought
up. "No one asked any clarifying questions about the resolution this
time — a significant change," said group leader Shawn Newell (shown
above, second from right, during a lobby meeting). "Afterward, one city
staffer told me she thought it was because we've built trust with the
city over the years."
CCL volunteers are regularly activating the " five levers
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" of political will in their communities. If you'd like to learn more
about how to pull the grasstops lever like these volunteers did, watch
or read this training on Engaging City and Local Governments for
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Training topics
CCL offers two ongoing learning series: Citizens' Climate University for
existing volunteers, and Core Volunteer Training for new volunteers.
Here are the next few sessions you can join:
7/23 Citizens' Climate University: CCL & Voter Participation Outreach -
As we say, democracy is our solution to climate change, and that starts
with voting. Working with Environmental Voter Project can help more
people concerned about climate change to take that first step. Learn
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7/28 Core Volunteer Training: Engaging Community Leaders - Endorsements
from community leaders can influence members of Congress. Find out how
to conduct grasstops outreach in your community. Learn more
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7/30 Citizens' Climate University: Updates on En-ROADS & Hosting Climate
Simulations - Climate Interactive has updated its tool to simulate the
effectiveness of various climate solutions. Find out what's new and how
to host a simulation. Learn more
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To see upcoming topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics
page of CCL Community
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Stay Connected - Make sure CCL's emails are in your inbox
Don't miss out on updates from Citizens' Climate. Make sure our messages
are getting to your inbox.
Get CCL in Your Inbox
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Sign up for CCL Text Messages
As we build political will for climate solutions, CCL can notify you of
timely actions via text message. This will be critical once a bill is in
congress. You can opt out at any time. Sign up today!
Sign up for CCL Text Messages
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CCL Climate Advocate Training
Do you want to be a more effective volunteer? Start by joining our
Informational Session, then register for our Climate Advocate Training,
and wrap up with our Core Volunteer Training.
The Info Session is held weekly on Wednesdays at 8pm ET, 5pm PT.
Join Info Session
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Climate Advocate Training is held the first Wednesday of every month at
1 pm ET and the third Wednesday monthly at 8 pm ET (adjust for your
local time zone).
Register for Climate Advocate Training
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Core Volunteer Training is held weekly on Tuesdays at 8 pm ET, 5 pm PT.
RSVP for Core Volunteer Training
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Donate now to support our climate action work
Donate Now!
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