Congress only has until August 7th to pass another stimulus bill, and it needs to include funding for safe, secure mail-in and in-person voting options. If we don’t act now, millions of people could lose access to safe voting options this November. Read that again: Americans could be forced to choose between their lives and their fundamental rights.
Add your name now to demand Congress fund safe voting options to protect voters in the 2020 election. Flooding Congress members with messages from constituents has a proven track record of getting results, but only if thousands of us do it.

We already saw what could happen if we don’t act. In Wisconsin, at least 71 Americans got coronavirus after voting at in-person polling places.1 In Georgia and Kentucky, voters waited in line for hours to get into dangerously crowded polling places.
States can protect voters this November with safe and secure voting options – but only if they have enough money to fund these life-saving changes. American lives – and our fundamental right to vote – are in danger.
Sign your name to urge Congress to include safe election funding in the upcoming stimulus bill so states have what they need to:
- Offer no-excuse absentee voting and vote by mail options;
- Expand early voting;
- Provide personal protective equipment (PPE) for poll workers; and
- Purchase and upgrade voting equipment.
We have just three weeks to convince Congress to protect our elections, and we have to break through the noise of the turbulent 2020 news cycle to get their attention and hold them accountable.
It takes just two minutes to sign and every single signature reminds our Senators who they work for: the American people. Will you help protect the 2020 election by adding your name?
Protecting voters isn't a partisan issue. This is about saving American lives. When our right to vote safely is threatened, it's everyone's job – Republican, Democrat, and Independent – to get loud and send a clear message to Congress by signing petitions like this one.
Thank you for joining the chorus of Americans from across the political spectrum who continue this fight.
Jen Johnson Movement Director RepresentUs
1 Wisconsin State Journal, May 16th, 2020.  |