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 Fighting for PA Jobs

Rep. Houlahan shares her relief over news that the Coatesville Sikorsky Helicopter plant will not be shutting its doors next year and discusses the importance of protecting and growing the hundreds of jobs for years to come.  

Whether it’s advocating for technical training schools to better prepare students for the jobs of tomorrow or working alongside Senators Casey and Toomey, President Trump, and local officials to save nearly 500 jobs at our Sikorsky plant in Coatesville, I will always stand up for Pennsylvania's employers and employees. Before coming to Congress, I was a business leader. And one of the things I’m most proud of was working with companies to make social responsibility to their commutnities and employees a cornerstone of their values.

In Congress, I helped pass a bill to raise the federal minimum wage to $15/hr because I know that a living wage in our Chester and Berks counties for a family of four is already above $15/hr. No person working full time should struggle to provide for themselves or their families. I also cosponsored the Butch Lewis act, which would save the pensions of at least 1.3 million workers across our country. The bill has passed the House and awaits action in the Senate. I’m committed to making sure we all have access to good paying jobs that allow people to live a life of dignity.

Taking Action on Gun Violence

Rep. Houlahan welcomes Team 26, a group of cyclists riding down the East Coast advocating for improvements to our gun laws, to  St. Paul’s Baptist Church in West Chester, where they paid tribute to Bianca Roberson, the daughter of Michelle Roberson who was shot and killed during a senseless road rage incident.

How many more lives will be lost before the Senate and the Administration take action on gun violence? Our Pennsylvania and our America cannot wait any longer. Commonsense and comprehensive gun reform legislation is overdue. I count myself lucky not to have had a family member become a victim to this epidemic, but too many in our community cannot say the same. Meaningful action is necessary. My cousin was a first responder at Sandy Hook, and his story of what he saw stays with me. Michelle Roberson, a member of PA’s Sixth District, lost her daughter to senseless gun violence, and her story motivates me every day to get up and fight for change.

Enough is enough.

I have already helped pass two major pieces of gun legislation that would establish new background checks and hopefully help better prevent these mass shootings. I welcomed Team 26, a group of cyclists riding to advocate for changes in gun policy, to St. Paul’s Baptist Church in West Chester. And just last week, I urged Senator McConnell to call back the Senate immediately and pass the bipartisan gun reform legislation we’ve already passed in the House. I will keep doing whatever it takes to protect Americans from gun violence.

 Advocating for Quality and Accessible Healthcare

 Rep. Houlahan visits the Chester County Hospital to learn about the initiative to bring each medical specialty into the future. 

Prescription drugs cost too much. Pennsylvania families shouldn’t be spending an entire paycheck on lifesaving medications. I remember just a few years ago when my daughter had to secure health insurance. Even the lowest cost plan felt unaffordable. We need healthcare reform that makes quality coverage accessible to everyone. I am helping to repeal the Cadillac Tax, which will cause thousands of Pennsylvanian workers to either lose some of their healthcare benefits or bear more of the cost personally. And, I voted to pass the Protecting Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions Act of 2019. A pre-existing condition should never be a barrier to affordable coverage.

I am working hard to make sure that Congress is addressing the healthcare of our veterans. I led a group of 50 bipartisan Members of Congress in urging the Military Health System to ensure that the best available technology and screening for breast cancer is available to our country's servicemembers, veterans, and their families. 

Lastly, I both cosponsored and voted for the Strengthening Health Care and Lowering Prescription Drug Costs Act, which would lower drug costs by promoting generic competition. Accessing healthcare doesn’t need to be partisan. The majority of Americans are calling for lower prescription drug costs. I don’t plan on stopping until we answer that call.

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