Hey John, did you see our campaign’s first ad of the 2020 election that we launched yesterday?

Fixing our health care system is personal to me. In Congress, I will fight to ensure no one goes through what my family and I did. Southwest Washington needs a Representative who will protect, expand, and improve our health care — not one who works to take it away.

If you agree, pitch in a grassroots contribution of $10 or more to support our campaign and send me to Congress to fight for you.


Our first ad of the 2020 campaign cycle is here, and it shares Carolyn’s personal story behind why she’s running for Congress again, and why it’s absolutely critical for Southwest Washingtonians to have a leader who’s willing to fight for more affordable health care.

Watch our campaign’s new ad here and pitch in $10 or more to help us keep it on the air so we can spread Carolyn’s message far and wide across the 3rd district.

After Carolyn’s mother passed away, she and her family learned it was cancer. When Carolyn urged her mother just two days prior to see a doctor, her mom was more afraid of medical bills than her diagnosis.

It's unacceptable that with our current health care system, there are folks in Southwest Washington who are forced by the exorbitant costs of health care and prescription drugs to make the same calculation as Carolyn's mom and go without the health care they need. It’s even worse now that we’re in the middle of an unprecedented public health crisis.

Carolyn is tired of corporate money and partisan politics getting in the way of progress and solutions. Fixing our health care has never been more urgent, and that’s why Carolyn aims to do something about it in Congress.

We can Flip the 3rd and send Carolyn to Congress to fight for more affordable health care for all of us, but we have to get her message out there in the next four months before election day.

Pitch in a grassroots contribution of any amount to help us do it. For this people-powered campaign, every dollar counts.

– Team Long