The United States Postal Service — the great American institution created by Benjamin Franklin that serves millions of Americans every day — is under attack. Not content to erode our health care coverage, threaten the right to vote, and weaken Medicare and Social Security, Donald Trump and his Republican enablers are now coming after another one of our most dependable institutions: the USPS.
Trump has never liked this important and dependable service, and he's accelerated his attacks this year because he's trying to squash the drive to expand voting by mail ahead of the November election. He admitted that when we all can vote safely it may cost him re-election, so he’s doing everything in his power to suppress the vote.
Sound deceitful? It is. We’ve got to stop them, John. Please sign our petition and demand that Congress support the USPS and ensure mail service for all Americans.
We all count on the postal service to send and receive documents, packages and letters at a reasonable price. For many Americans in rural and hard-to-reach areas, the USPS is a lifeline.
The USPS is a treasured institution that’s been around for almost 250 years. But it needs our support. That's why I worked with Speaker Pelosi to include 25 billion dollars in USPS support in our Moving Forward Act, including $6 billion for next generation electric and zero emission vehicles for mail delivery.
Meanwhile, Trump has appointed one of his mega-donor allies as postmaster general, politicizing USPS when we need it the most. He has recommended slower mail service and significant rate increases. We can’t let this out-of-control president and the completely corrupt party that enables him to destroy the postal service.
Please take a moment to add your name to our petition right now. Trump’s war against the USPS is gaining steam, so we need to act fast to protect this vital part of our society.