![]() Patriot, C4L has been sounding the alarm on how the spending monstrosity House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) handed off to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) includes a $75 billion down payment on H.R. 6666-style contact tracing armies. Media elites reported President Trump doesn't want any new spending on track-and-trace, and his opposition has reportedly "angered GOP leaders in Senate." But the latest reports indicate President Trump could be ready to cave. Whatever the case, the truth is a cabal of Big Government statists and authoritarians in BOTH parties dream of forcing you to get a government mark of approval to live your life. As I warned you when H.R. 6666 was introduced, they want a Stasi-style police force with power to enter your home to “conduct testing,” “contact tracing” and “related activities,” and for “other purposes” to separate those who test positive (or refuse to comply) from loved ones! That's why the statists and their pals in the media elite, are going all-out to "get the camel's nose under the tent" and ensure BILLIONS of your dollars are in this latest CORONA-Y-ISM spending monstrosity for this Orwellian nightmare. I need you to act at once to help me stop their scheme in its tracks. We can't allow them to spend ONE RED CENT on this Orwellian nightmare. Patriot, I'm counting on you to please call your U.S. Senators IMMEDIATELY. DEMAND they cease their plunder of Americans' hard-earned wealth and tell them spending even ONE RED CENT on Orwellian track-and-trace schemes is unforgivable! >>> To call #N/A CLICK
HERE TO LAUNCH YOUR MOBILE DEVICE’S CALLING FEATURE IMMEDIATELY or by dialing #N/A! >>> To call #N/A CLICK HERE TO LAUNCH YOUR MOBILE DEVICE’S CALLING FEATURE IMMEDIATELY or by dialing #N/A! If you can only leave a voicemail, do that, and then call back later to talk to a staff member. DEMAND they reverse course at once on this whole CORONA-Y-ISM spending scheme, including spending even ONE RED CENT on any H.R. 6666-style surveillance nightmare! Tell them you’re furious and that you've had ENOUGH of Big Government politicians' power grabs and their collusion to plunder of your wealth with their cronies. . . ENOUGH of the pretending they aren't using this whole coronavirus hysteria as a cudgel to seize more RAW POWER and control over your life while they enrich themselves. It's up to liberty loving patriots like you and me to stop this insanity. So please call your senators now and tell them you see through this whole CORONA-Y-ISM scheme and that you expect them to END IT NOW! #N/A #N/A Then, after you have, please dig deep and chip in with as generous a contribution as you can afford to help Campaign for Liberty recruit and mobilize more patriots to bring the politicians rampant corruption to a crashing halt and restore liberty! Please act at once. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. Unlike many groups on the both the Right and Left, Campaign for Liberty isn't taking any government "loans" or bailouts . . . we rely strictly on the generosity of good patriotic friends like you. #N/A #N/A