Photograph No. 306-SSM-4C-46-14 (Photographer Rowland Scherman); “Civil Rights March on Washington, D.C. [Leaders marching from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial]“; Miscellaneous Subjects, Staff and Stringer Photographs, 1961 – 1974; Records of the U.S. Information Agency, 1900 – 2003, Record Group 306; National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD
Join the Kennedy Institute for a conversation on voting rights and hear from former congressional staff who helped ensure passage of the Voting Rights Act, grassroots organizations that garnered national support for the legislation, and how the United States is currently facing similar crises around disenfranchisement.
The Voting Rights Act, originally passed in 1965, has undergone multiple revisions in Congress. Senator Edward M. Kennedy was a staunch supporter of the legislation and had advocated for the elimination of the poll tax prior to its passage. Throughout his time in the United States Senate, Senator Kennedy worked with members of Congress, staff, and grassroots organizations to ensure that all voices were heard. Despite this work and law, many voters across the country are still disenfranchised.
Moderated by Ari Berman, senior reporter at Mother Jones and author of “Give Us the Ballot,” the conversation will include: