After looking over our numbers, I need to make sure you saw Chip's personal video message. We just launched our Liberty Surge to raise $100,000 by the end of the month and really need your help. To keep pace with that deadline, we have to raise $9,282 from 53 donors in the next four hours.
Margaret Lauderback
Finance Director, Chip Roy for Congress
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chip Roy <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, July 20, 2020 at 2:05 PM
Subject: Urgent personal video message: It's time to defend the American way of life
Fellow Conservative
I wanted to send along this brief video message. It's time to stand up for America.
Here's the bottom line. If the Democrats win the White House, take the Senate and Nancy Pelosi INCREASES her lead in the House, this is what will happen:
Cancel Culture and Destruction of American Way of Life.
Confiscation of Guns and Elimination of the 2nd Amendment.
Complete Amnesty for Illegal Aliens and Floodgates Open.
Liberal Court Packing With Radicals Like Never Seen in History.
Green New Deal Passage and Total Takeover of Economy.
More Regulation, Taxes, Strangling of Small Businesses.
Abortion on Demand, Families Destroyed, Culture Eroded.
Unfortunately, it's NOT exaggeration or hyperbole. That's what the Far Left will ram through if Pelosi-ally Extreme Wendy Davis wins. Liberalmoney is flooding into this district and we're down by more than $1 million against Davis.