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MavTALK Lineup
As part of MavPAC's efforts to showcase talented female professionals, please join us as we kick off a new chapter in our MavTALK Series, highlighting our MavPAC Membership, and the issues important to them and their industries. MavPAC DC Co-Chair Brittany Rogers hosts a roundtable discussion with three leading women in the Washington, DC financial services policy space.
Wednesday, July 22, at 5 PM EDT
Roundtable RSVP
MavPAC New York Chapter invites you to a campaign update call with Nicole Malliotakis. She is a dynamic female candidate running in a pick-up district where President Trump won by 10 points in 2016!

Thursday, July 30, at 4 PM EDT
July 30th RSVP
Thank you to our MavTALK speakers who have graciously engaged with MavPAC members!
June 24 - Senator Cory Gardner (CO)

July 2 - Tennessee Governor Bill Lee and Nashville leader Courtney Pannell

July 7 -  Todd Ricketts, RNC Finance Chair & Chicago Cubs co-owner, moderated by Marty Obst

July 8 - Virtual Happy Hour with Texas Candidates Beth Van Duyne (TX-24), Wesley Hunt (TX-7), & Tony Gonzales (TX-23)

July 16 - Jonathan Jakubowski author of Bellwether Blues: A Conservative Awakening of the Millennial Soul
Check out Jonathan's MavTALK interview here:
Jonathan takes questions from MavPAC members and describes his analysis of the millennial generation and their impact on the 2020 Election.
Future40 Nominations Opening Soon!
Stay Tuned!

Welcome, Mavericks!

We would like to send a warm welcome to Mavericks who've recently joined or renewed!
A CALL TO ACTION: MavPAC has made a name for itself by the sheer strength of our members (YOU). As a Maverick, we encourage you to invite your friends to come to our open events and join our organization. The more high-quality members that we are able to engage, recruit, and develop, the bigger the impact our unique organization is going to have in Congress and on this country.
Maverick PAC Memberships
We want to hear from you! What should be on our radar? Email tips to [email protected]
Paid for by Maverick PAC USA and not authorized by any candidate or committee.
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