This past week, two presidential candidates left the race and are running for other offices. But make no mistake. They are not the same.
GOOD: Jay Inslee is a climate change hero. As Elizabeth Warren said, "Thank you Jay Inslee for fighting every day to make sure that climate change remains a primary focus of this election." The DNC absurdly denied his request for a climate debate – literally voting against it as the Amazon rainforest goes up in flames.
NOT GOOD: Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper also left the presidential race and is running for the U.S. Senate in Colorado. Dems shouldn't nominate the candidate some call "Rocky Mountain Joe Manchin" and "Frackenlooper" to the Senate any more than they nominated him for the presidency.
Establishment Dems want us to believe that Hickenlooper is the way to flip this Senate seat from red to blue. But in 2018, Colorado elected by 10 points a Democratic Governor who campaigned on Medicare For All! And polls show that incumbent Republican Senator Cory Gardner is one of the most unpopular and most vulnerable senators in the country. Colorado is a blue state now, and needs to be represented by someone who champions progressive ideas.
As a conservative Democrat, Hickenlooper will block progressive change in the Senate.
In the campaign, Hickenlooper actively attacked Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and progressive priorities like Medicare For All and a Green New Deal. In the Senate, he has supported right-wing judges, Trump nominees, and watered down Democratic priorities like health care.
As the Amazon burns, and global temperatures inch higher and higher, our country must play a key role in taking bold action on the climate crisis. But as governor, Hickenlooper threatened to sue cities that even slightly restricted drilling and fracking -- and he followed through on the promise.
To defend fracking as safe, Hickenlooper bragged at a Senate hearing that he drank Halliburton fracking fluid.
At this time in our country's history, there should be no room for a Democrat who stands in the way of progress on climate change and clean energy.
GOOD: Hickenlooper's main Democratic opponent for U.S. Senate -- former Colorado House Speaker Andrew Romanoff -- supports progressive priorities. He said last week, "The best way to defeat Cory Gardner and flip the Senate is to present a clear alternative. That means fighting for progressive priorities -- a Green New Deal, Medicare for All -- not echoing GOP talking points."
We need Senators like Romanoff who will champion the these ideas, not John "Frackenlooper" who has done the bidding of the fossil fuel industry for years.
Romanoff can defeat Hickenlooper -- and flip this U.S. Senate seat from Republican to progressive!
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- The PCCC Elections team

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told PCCC members, "The majority of Americans are with us on the policies. Americans support Medicare for All, expanding Social Security benefits, gun reform, debt-free college, and a $15 minimum wage. Bold progressive values are popular EVERYWHERE. Together, we have the people. Together, with your help, we’ll have the votes." Chip in $3 here.
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