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** Your daily media briefing - Wednesday 22 July
In the Media <[link removed]> is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news <[link removed]> and opinion <[link removed]> and listen to our podcasts <[link removed]> on our website.
** Secularism in the media
* World is legally obliged to pressure China on Uighurs, leading UK lawyers say <[link removed]>
Sanctions on China and companies operating there, along with use of treaty agreements, can bring Beijing to account, British barristers argue.
The Guardian
* 'Britain has no ethical option but to keep up the pressure on China over the Uighurs' <[link removed]>
"Beijing's attempts to violently force Muslim minorities to assimilate have finally caught the attention of politicians."
The Guardian
* Leading human rights expert sets the record straight on LGBT-inclusive sex education <[link removed]>
LGBT-inclusive relationships and sex education benefits children and society — but there are renewed attempts in European countries to remove it from schools, a leading human-rights expert has warned.
Pink News
* Evangelical pastor convicted on child sex offences <[link removed]>
A former BBC presenter and church pastor has admitted to some 40 sex offence charges, including many related to children.
Premier Christian News
* 'Empty platitudes about peaceful religions do little to protect the public' <[link removed]>
It's silly to suggest British Muslims are somehow offended by terms like 'Islamist terror', says Rakib Ehsan.
* 'Islamic State is preparing to rise once again' <[link removed]>
As a UK court rules to allow Shamima Begum to return and fight a decision to revoke her British citizenship, David Pratt takes a wider look at the threat still posed by the Islamic State group with which she was associated.
Herald Scotland
* Malta: Proposed equality bill protects most teachers from faith school discrimination <[link removed]>
The proposed equality bill would prohibit faith schools from refusing to recruit teachers who do not follow the Catholic faith, with the only exception being the hiring of teachers of religion.
Malta Today
* US sanctions Chinese companies over Uighur Muslim human rights <[link removed]>
China said Tuesday it would take unspecified "necessary measures" after the U.S. government imposed trade sanctions on 11 companies it says are implicated in human rights abuses in China's Muslim northwestern region of Xinjiang.
* US: Pompeo says human rights policy must prioritise religion <[link removed]>
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has delivered a speech calling for the United States to ground its human rights policy more prominently in religious liberty and property rights.
The New York Times
* 15 children found covered in scars and wounds at a Nigerian Islamic school <[link removed]>
Police have freed 15 children from an Islamic school in central Nigeria where they were kept in chains and tortured.
Mail Online
** The latest from the No More Faith Schools campaign
* NMFS campaign challenging plans to open 19 faith schools in England <[link removed]>
The NMFS campaign is challenging 19 proposals to open new faith-based academies in England.
** Support our campaigns
* Protect free speech in Scotland <[link removed]>
New hate crime laws proposed for Scotland may seriously undermine free speech - including the freedom to criticise or satirise religion. Find out more and help us protect free speech in Scotland.
* Religion, Values & Ethics, Curriculum for Wales proposals <[link removed]>
Welsh government plans would see Religion, Values and Ethics taught in a more pluralistic way. But they fall short of ensuring every pupil gets genuinely balanced and critical RVE. Find out more and help improve the proposals.
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