I've spent years advocating for Universal Family Care as a labor activist.

SIGN ON: Support Joe Biden's Build Back Better agenda.

Turn on images to see Ai-jen Poo's tweet: Over 20 years working on caregiving solutions & this is the first time a presidential campaign has made investments in the care economy a core strategy in their economic agenda. Not a side issue, an add on, or a special interest.

Ai-jen will join a Biden campaign virtual Caring Economy Town Hall with actress Alfre Woodard, Mari Urbina from Indivisible, and April Verretton from the SEIU on Wednesday, July 22 at 8 PM ET! RSVP here.

My name is Ai-jen Poo, senior advisor to Care in Action -- an organization building the civic power of women of color -- and I've spent years advocating for Universal Family Care (universal access to child care, long-term care and paid family leave, and more) as a labor activist.

Women of color are dying at higher rates from COVID-19. Those who work as essential workers -- like nannies, home care workers, and cleaners -- have risked it all to keep us safe. Yet they came into the crisis undervalued as "the help," systematically left out of labor laws that protect other workers, like paid time off and overtime pay.

Donald Trump has exacerbated the brutal impact of the pandemic on these workers.

Today, Joe Biden announced his vision for the future of care, part of his Build Back Better agenda. He acknowledged the lack of investment in our care systems and the undeniable value of caregivers. And he proposed real solutions to improve their lives and, in turn, improve all of our lives -- backed up by real investments.

Can you join me as a public supporter of Joe Biden's Build Back Better agenda? Click here. (If these proposals would personally impact you, please tell Care in Action and the PCCC on this page.)

Biden's plan will:

This plan is one of many steps we need to take to center a care economy.

In contrast, Donald Trump has consistently insulted and debased the work of our caregivers. He denied them the protective equipment they need to stay safe. Calls them "essential" but denies them basic hazard pay or legal protections. And he, along with Senate Republicans, are stalling on passing the HEROES Act to provide Americans the relief they need now.

There is no going back to normal after COVID-19. The old normal was not good enough. Joe Biden knows it's time we prioritize care -- it's the only future that will ensure we all live with the respect, protection, and dignity we deserve. His plan gives real meaning to the phrase Build Back Better.

Thank you to PCCC members for standing with domestic workers and caregivers during this trying moment in our history. Together, we will pull through this and be strong as we fight for a bold, progressive agenda.

Thank you for your solidarity.

-- Ai-jen Poo







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