We have a chance to pull our only Earth from the brink of ecological COLLAPSE by stopping the killing of thousands of key pollinators and insects!
John, we have a chance to stop the killing of thousands of key pollinators and insects and pull our only Earth from the brink of ecological COLLAPSE – but only if we rise to this occasion and step up when we're needed most.
Toxic mega-mergers between Big Ag corporations like Bayer and Monsanto mean more power in the hands of companies that produce dangerous pesticides like Roundup®. This pesticide is a key reason we’ve lost 99% of monarchs in the West, and it’s wreaked havoc on ecosystems across the United States while the Trump administration sits on its hands for corporate greed. We CANNOT stop pushing for progress – a livable world hangs in the balance.
We have to fight back – for our health, our pollinators and our planet, before it's too late. But we can only hold our poll open until 11:59 p.m. – and we're still missing 44 responses, including yours, John. Please, we're counting on you to tell us right now:
Should Bayer-Monsanto stop selling a toxic chemical it KNOWS is contributing to the extinction of monarchs and other vital pollinators?