Got a friend in the Golden State?



John –

Chances are you know someone in California – or someone in your social media network lives there. That means you can help spark nationwide momentum to ban police chokeholds.

There’s a huge opportunity to finally ban chokeholds in California by passing AB 1196, but it will only happen if people speak out — and we need a massive swell to make sure our voices are heard. 

Will you forward the email below to friends and family in California? Or you can:

Thank you for all you do,
– the Dream Corps team

P.S.If you want to support Dream Corps’ work to reimagine policing, the criminal justice system, and our economy, you can chip in today.




Friend –

No one should have to cry, “I can’t breathe!” restrained by police as they exhale their last breath. After the deaths of George Floyd, Eric Garner, and countless others, it’s clear that the deadly tactic of placing people in chokeholds — and other types of carotid artery restraints — is putting far too many lives at risk.

A national uprising is demanding urgent action to restore accountability to policing and put much-needed restrictions on law enforcement’s use of force. There’s an opportunity RIGHT NOW in California to end this deadly policing tactic.

Several California cities have already banned or placed severe restrictions on the practice, yet there are still no statewide standards.

That could all change if we make Assembly Bill 1196 law.

Tell the California Assembly: Ban the use of deadly neck restraints by California law enforcement. Sign the petition now.

Governor Newsom is ready to sign this bill into law. But we need your help to bring California lawmakers to the table.

In recent weeks, the rest of America realized what Black and Brown victims of police brutality have been saying for years — these maneuvers are deadly. In California, officers seriously injured 103 people with carotid neck restraints between 2016 and 2018. Ninety-one were left unconscious, two never woke up.

In just the last few weeks, San Diego, Sacramento, and Los Angeles County banned or put severe restrictions on the use of neck restraints by their police departments. But statewide policies still vary greatly — leaving confusion, a lack of accountability, and a dangerous threat to people’s lives.

We need statewide legislation to protect California residents — especially Black and Brown people who face disproportionate police contact and violence.

That’s why AB 1196 is so necessary. This bill would prohibit California’s law enforcement agencies from using chokeholds and carotid artery restraints altogether and would immediately improve public safety for all Californians.

We need your help to make sure California lawmakers see how many people are demanding real, concrete change.

Will you sign this petition to tell California lawmakers we need to end chokeholds and carotid artery restraints now?

We need to completely reimagine policing and our entire criminal justice system. While we do the hard work of addressing deep, systemic flaws, we cannot let this important opportunity to protect people and save lives get stuck in the California Assembly. At Dream Corps, we are committed to bringing people together to build a country that is better than before — this legislation is an urgent step in the right direction.

Thank you for all you do!
— the Dream Corps team


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436 14th St, Suite 920
Oakland, CA 94612

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