
Recently, five-term Congressman Scott Tipton became the latest GOP incumbent to be upset by a far-right wing challenger.

Lauren Boebert, the Republican nominee for the seat Tipton currently holds, is an extremist who owns a restaurant that is famous for its “armed waitresses.” On the campaign trail, she bragged about being “more MAGA than my opponent” and has praised QAnon, the extremist conspiracy network, asserting they “could be really great for our country."

Needless to say, she’s already won over Donald Trump.

This isn’t the future of the Republican party -- it’s what the Republican party has already become. And in order to prevent far-right conspiracy theorists from holding any more power in our Democracy, we’ve got to work even harder to elect leaders who truly represent our values and who are committed to upholding our Democracy. That means maintaining our majority in the House, taking back the Senate, and beating Trump.

Will you rush in a $200, $100, or $50 contribution today so we can keep dangerous candidates like Lauren Boebert far, far away from Congress?

Blue Momentum PAC

Ted Lieu for Congress · United States
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Paid for by Ted Lieu for Congress