Celebrating Bill Hader, NAMI, Erika’s Lighthouse and Kenneth Cole
Celebrating Bill Hader, NAMI, Erika’s Lighthouse and Kenneth Cole
Every year the Child Mind Institute’s Change Maker Awards celebrate people and organizations creating real, meaningful change for children who struggle with mental health and learning disorders. This year we had to cancel the awards ceremony due to the coronavirus crisis, so we’re especially excited to shine a light on the 2020 winners here.

Bill Hader

2020 Champion Award
Actor Bill Hader opened up about his anxiety in a 2019 #MyYoungerSelf video that went viral. “The amount of people who’ve come up to me about that video — it’s not Stefan anymore,” he says. “It’s now my anxiety video, which makes me incredibly proud! I’m happy that I can talk about these things and be public with it and that it helps people." Watch Bill’s acceptance video here.

Kenneth Cole

2020 Visionary Award
In 2020, fashion designer Kenneth Cole founded the Mental Health Coalition. “I am honored to be the recipient of the 2020 Visionary Award,” he says. “This is a unique moment, as all of us are living through one of the worst public health crises of our time. But there is an even larger pandemic that was here before COVID-19 and will still be here when it’s gone: a mental health crisis.”

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

2020 Outstanding Organization Award
“We know that education and early intervention are crucial and can make a real difference for youth experiencing a mental health condition and their families,” said Daniel H. Gillison, Jr., CEO of NAMI. “We believe that providing the right support when symptoms emerge is key to their success in school and living healthy, fulfilling lives.”
NAMI was the crowdsourced winner for this award. Other nominees in the category included: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Autism Speaks, California Children’s Trust, Center on Addiction and the National Association of Social Workers.

Erika's Lighthouse

2020 Community Builder Award
“It is such an honor for Erika's Lighthouse to be recognized for this award,” said Erika’s Lighthouse Executive Director Brandon Combs. “Recent events have proven, more than ever, how critical mental health is and the key role we play in helping educators and parents let teens know they are never alone. Our mission has always been to Get Depression Out of the Dark and we are proud of the role we play in making this possible.”
Erika’s Lighthouse was the crowdsourced winner for this award. Other nominees in the category included: American School Counselor Association, Crisis Text Line, Learning Disabilities Association of America, National Association of Special Education Teachers and The Steve Fund.
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