Hi CLCV Member,  

We all know the current president is pushing to roll back every environmental policy on the books. But here in California as we are grappling with a public health crisis, corporate interests including the oil and gas industry have been hard at work organizing our legislators on rollbacks as well.  

Meet the six lawmakers who are pushing for California environmental rollbacks.

We’re taking an important step today to bring to light what’s happening out of public view in Sacramento. We’re launching NO Rollbacks, a website and accountability campaign to hold our leaders accountable for their votes and positions.  

The site currently features six legislators who are particularly problematic and who have been leading efforts to get other legislators to sign onto letters requesting to suspend the implementation of important climate and clean air laws that you already fought to become law. These same legislators are heavily funded by Big Oil and Gas, and for many their anti-environment work is deeply out of step with the views of their constituents. We will be tracking each legislator's position on clean air and climate standards; oil, gas, and transportation; environmental protections for California workers; and support for our air, land and water. And we may include more legislators over the coming months.  

Most Californians see the COVID crisis as a reminder for why we need clean air protections that also protect public health. But unless we provide accountability, corporate polluters will use this as a means to weaken California’s climate efforts, and make already vulnerable communities more vulnerable to this pandemic and its wide-reaching impacts. 

CLCV Member, please take a moment to sign the No Rollbacks pledge and share on social media. This is a critical moment for California to protect our future and demand bold action from our leadership.  

Take the No Rollbacks pledge!



Mary Creasman
Chief Executive Officer 
California League of Conservation Voters






Since 1972, the California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV) has protected our land, air, water, and public health as the non-partisan political arm of the environmental movement. CLCV's mission is to protect and enhance the environment and the health of all California communities by electing environmental champions, advancing critical priorities, and holding policymakers accountable. You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.