Dear John:

Over the weekend, we were shocked to hear reports of unidentified, militarized federal agents forcing protestors into unmarked vans in Portland, detaining them without just cause or a warrant. They used clubs, rubber bullets, tear gas and flash grenades on people exercising their First Amendment rights.

In other words, Trump is using secret police to assault people and the Constitution to try to stay in power after November.

Tell your elected officials to get Trump’s secret police off our streets!

Today, Trump is talking about expanding his secret police to New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, and who knows where else. If Congress and the courts allow this to continue, Trump’s secret police force will spread this assault on dissent across the country.

This is serious, and we have to speak up now. Use our online tool to call and message your elected officials and tell them that you expect them to defend the Constitution and get Trump’s secret police off of our streets.

Trump’s fascist tendencies are getting worse every day. We can’t let this go unanswered. Tell your elected officials you expect them to get in the way.

In solidarity,

Bree Carlson
People’s Action

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